Bearing fruit cannot be something that becomes a burden, bearing fruit must be a product of our spiritual life, growth, multiplication and fruit will come as a response to the strengthening of our intimacy with God, hence the importance of returning to the essentials, the strength of a christian is in his spiritual life, in his ability to carry out a genuine intimacy with the Lord through the tools that He himself has designed for us and to develop daily those spiritual disciplines that make a christian a person with the power and support of God for everything He does and undertakes.
The spiritual disciplines are practical habits that help us to grow in our relationship with God, to bear fruit in all areas and to advance in the vision that the Lord has entrusted to us, the vision without spiritual disciplines does not give results, because every strategy that God gives us must be supported by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not about doing the vision in your strength or with purely human methods. It is necessary to have a deep and continuous communion with the Lord so that He can take us from victory to victory and we can conquer the abundant fruit that He has for us.
These spiritual disciplines are:
Psalms 100:4
Worship is the way to express love and gratitude to God for his creation, for His salvation and for His constant presence in our lives.
To grow in your relationship with God and bear fruit in the G12 Vision it is important that daily in your intimacy with God, you begin with a time of worship, praise, exaltation and gratitude to God manifesting how important and necessary He is for your life and how as you know Him deeply you will understand that in His heart is the longing for the salvation of souls and the edification of souls until they reach the fullness of Christ.
Enter into the presence of the Lord with genuine worship, delight in His presence daily, for nothing else but Him deserves all honor!
Exodus 34:27
The devotional is a specific time dedicated to read, meditate on the word of God, pray and then write in a notebook all that the Lord wants to speak to your heart (command, promise and application), it is important to understand this spiritual discipline, apply it to make decisions guided by the Holy Spirit and in turn acquire growth and maturity in the circumstances that arise, take your notebook, read the word of God, pray and write there what the Lord ministers to your heart, write down how He will guide you to win souls, consolidate them, form them and prepare them to reproduce what they have received, He wants you to keep in mind the promises you will receive to see fulfilled the dream of fruitfulness, multiply and extend the kingdom of God to the nations of the earth.
Write down what God speaks to your life through the devotional, it is God’s advice and guidance to fulfill the great commission and His purpose in you!
- Reading and Studying God’s Word:
Joshua 1:8
Reading and studying the Bible is a way to learn more about God and His will for our lives, it helps us to understand in a clearer way what we should do, what steps to take and in turn gives us spiritual growth to face challenges that arise, make reading plans and Bible studies that will help you grow, but in turn to understand the Vision and how the Lord Jesus developed it to transform lives, families and ministries in order to extend the plan of salvation.Read and study God’s word, there are the richness and source of your growth and fruitfulness!
- Prayer:
1st Thessalonians 5:16-18
Don’t make your prayer a routine, prayer must be genuine and must connect you with God’s presence and will for your life.In your prayer time, cry out to the Lord for the salvation of souls, for the forgiveness of their sins, for God’s mercy to be extended to them and for many to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus, pray for workers who long to do the Vision and want to extend the Salvation of the Lord, do not forget that winning souls for Christ begins in secret, it begins when we intercede and understand that God wants to use us to win souls and snatch them from hell.
Your prayer has power, prayer is what transforms circumstances!
Isaiah 58:6-11
Fasting is a practice that consists of abstaining from eating and drinking for a certain time or period, in order to purify the body, the soul, grow in spirit and grow closer to God. Jesus before beginning His ministry fasted and submitted to the will of the father. To reach more souls for Christ it is important to have times of fasting, submission, humiliation before the Lord and receive the humility that is required to present the love of Christ to the lost, develop habits and times of fasting with your ministry and allow God to reveal to you His will and the plan He desires to reach those who do not yet know Jesus.
Humble yourself before God and seek the Lord with all your heart, fasting will help you to seek Him so many can see Jesus in you!
Mark 9:35
Service is the way to help others and in turn to show the love of God to this world that walks in darkness, it begins in the spiritual, in the secret and in intimacy with God, only there we can understand the revelation of genuine service and how to do it correctly, Jesus left us a mandate in Mark 9:35, “be servants of all”, knowing that a heart that serves is a heart after the Lord’s heart and that what you do for others you do directly for Him.
In the G12 Vision service is essential, you will grow and multiply when you decide to serve God by serving your neighbor, use your gifts, decide to be part of an area of your church and serve there with all your love and dedication.
Serve the Lord with what He has given you, He will use your gifts, your talents and your leadership to bless many and extend His love and compassion!
Do not forget that to carry the ministry in a correct way and without it becoming a burden, is to carry it according to how Jesus did it, always contemplated in secret and at the voice of the father, the step to follow and how to do it, Jesus manifested, “I can do nothing of myself; as I hear, so I judge; and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me, the Father”. (John 5:30), so go back to the essentials, go back to the secret with the Father, there you will understand that the ministry is not done in our strength, but by the power of His Spirit.