As pastors and leaders, we want our ministry to display the reality of God’s dream. When this happens, it produces joy and satisfaction, it brings fruitfulness and multiplication, and shows that we are aligned to the will of God.

Throughout the years, Pastors Cesar and Emma Claudia Castellanos, have lived out God´s dream in their lives and ministry, incessantly working on it every day through the G12 Vision.

Today, we want to share three important aspects that we need in order to fulfill the dream of God in our ministry. In doing so, our ministry will display to others what is in the heart of God.

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”.

Genesis 12:2-3 NKJV

At our last G12 International Conference, Anointed to Multiply 2022, we were able to receive the Word of God and the anointing to multiply with the goal of bringing life to our ministries and thereby extend the kingdom of God to the nations of the earth.

In order to fulfill God´s dream in our ministry, it is necessary that we:

1. Be open to change: God reveals His dream for our ministry as we are in consistent and personal fellowship with Him. Through the G12 Vision itself, God enables and equips us to do the Vision in an effective way so that we can live out God’s dream through experiencing growth in our ministry.

2. Listen to the right voice and cast aside the voices that drown out dreams: Many times, when we desire growth in our ministry, a change in our nature, to receive Vision, and to fulfill the dream of God as pastors and leaders, encouraging voices rise up all around us to motivate us to persevere. But there are also voices that try to hold us back and confuse us with phrases like: That´s not for you. You can’t do it. This isn’t from God. These voices want us to stay stuck in our circumstances so that we don’t grow. That’s why it’s important to put into practice the teachings we´ve received from God and His Word through conferences and times of ministry, understanding that it’s really God’s voice speaking to us so that His dream is fulfilled in our lives and our ministry.

3. Create a game plan and stay focused: Staying focused on God´s dream and designing an action plan to make this dream a reality compliments and demonstrates our faith and trust in God.

An action plan has the following fundamental aspects:


In this first step, we establish our goal and objectives, our objectives need to be:

  • Specific: Ex: I want my ministry to grow.
  • Measurable: Ex: To grow, I need to focus on working with my 12 disciples.
  • Attainable: Ex: To focus on my 12 disciples, I need to prepare myself in the Word. I also need to work with each disciple to establish goals and deadlines.

In this second step, we decide what activities we are going to carry out, turning our objectives into actions that will help us meet our goals Ex: Evangelistic strategies, Encounters, discipleship meetings, Bible studies, counseling sessions, etc. Make a detailed schedule with these activities.


Here, we determine who will be responsible for each activity so that we (pastor/leader) can do a follow-up on the established action plan. Ex: Delegate responsibilities by areas and activities so that you can evaluate the progression of the plan and supervise.


Here, we determine what are the necessary resources for each activity. This will allow us to meet the preestablished objectives. Ex: If it’s an evangelistic strategy, determine what materials, how many people, and how much money you´ll need so that all of the logistics can be prepared beforehand.


In this last step, we determine what are the starting and closing dates for each activity so that we can stick to our action plan and see our dream for ministry come true.

Do not limit yourself to playing from the bench. God has a dream and a clear vision for you! Follow Jesus’s footsteps, make a game plan, and you will see how God’s dream will come true in your life and in your ministry!