We know that God uses every G12 International Conference to unite us and increase the fire in our hearts to do His work and reach thousands of generations for Him through the G12 Vision.
It is always a blessing to have pastors like you who come from a different country or place and share in our dream of fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus gave us to:
In our Anointed to Multiply Conference, God spoke specific words to every heart, family, ministry, and church. That is why we want to gift you an E-book with the notes of the main sermons of the conference. James 1:22 teaches us that we are not just to be hearers, but doers of the Word. Take advantage of this tool so that you can put everything into practice and daily dive much deeper into the word God gave you for this time.
“Your word I have hidden in my heart…”
Psalm 119:11
Remember that if you need support or advice about the G12 Vision, you can email us at [email protected] or chat with the facilitators of the Vision on this website. They are always ready to serve and support you in whatever you may need.